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Become a member of The Tradebuddy Community
Trade alongside the pros every day, get actionable trade plans and ideas, surround yourself with a network of traders who will keep you accountable
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10x per week LIVE mentor sessions
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BONUS: 50+ Hours Of Short Selling Lesons
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"I travel the world alone at 18 and I owe it all to you..."
"Hey Tony, Listen man, I'm barely 18 years old and I'm from a small country town in Avon, Ohio. Not only was I working at five below for 8 bucks an hour last year, I was driving a mini van. one year later I've been to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Jordan, and now California. I hold personal tutoring sessions with developing traders to help them with their consistency; I'm sure some of them are now in your program too. I travel the world alone at 18 and I owe it all to you. So having you passing down your knowledge on to me really changed my life. Just one year later, I'm sending you this email from my hotel suite in LA overlooking downtown LA. I mean I was very blessed but without you giving me the motivation and opening my eyes and more importantly my brain I would not be where I am today. Tony you are amazing and I would love to meet you in person one day."
Zack B.
"Today, I'm happy to tell you that I've been able to grow my starting account from $3k to over $15k within a single month..."
"Hi Tony. I've been listening to your programs for the past 3 months. I started with TradeBuddy University and then decided to upgrade to the Lifetime Private Trading Academy because I knew for sure that this was the place for me. I started building my tools in my tool belt and realizing certain things along the way. Last Month, the company that I was working for closed down. Today, I'm happy to tell you that I've been able to grow my starting account from $3k to over $15k within a single month. I'm so excited to continue refining my trading craft and experiencing the greatness that the Private Trading Academy has to offer! I'll definitely be in the community for a long time; I consider this to be my new career and I want to be surrounded with the best colleagues possible!"
Phil G.
"I am currently working on transitioning from paper trading to a real account after being able to trade consistently for 2 months!"
"I love the Private Trading Academy, even though I am progressing slow with the videos, I definitely love the Live Webinar Series. They're one of my favorite parts of the program. Being able to see how you've handled every trading day, as well as answering questions from students when the webinar was recorded, is an invaluable tool and have allowed me to push through massive work with my trading career. I am currently working on transitioning from paper trading to a real account after being able to trade consistently for 2 months!. I plan on implementing every single lesson that you've taught and all of the guidance that you have given me through our one-on-one communications. Thank you so much Tony! P.S. My girlfriend started teasing me because I started talking like Tony! Must be the hundreds of video lessons."
Oliver J.